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Jonah is a prophet who was commanded by God to preach to the people of Nineveh. At first he refuses, and tries to flee on a ship out of Tarshish. A storm erupts, and he tells others on board the ship that if they will throw him over the side of the ship, then the storm will cease. At first, they refuse, but relunctantly agree.

Jonah in the Sistine Chapel.

Jonah is swallowed by a great fish for three days. As he prays to the Lord for forgiveness, the Lord grants it, and the fish spits him out on dry ground. He preaches to the inhabitants of Nineveh, and is surprised when they repent. He is unhappy about this, and sits under a plant, which offers him shade. After a time, the plant whithers and dies, leaving Jonah to endure the hot sun.

He complains to God again, and the Lord speaks to him about his unrighteousness.